Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Essay Outline

Less gun control in the United States would make it a safer place overall to live.
1. History of gun control
i. why it started
ii. why there were guns
2. Gun free zones
i. why they exist
ii. why they shouldn't
3. People with guns
i. talk about them
ii. why they have them
4. people without guns
i. talk about why they don't have them
ii. counter-argument

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Spiders and Scorpions

  • Fangs to inject venom
  • produce silk
  • Pincers
  • Stinger tail
  • Arachnid
  • Two body segments
  • lay eggs
The purpose of my paper is to inform people about the differences and similarities of spiders and scorpions because I think that they are both interesting creatures.